
Corporate culture


Credit: Honest, Trustworthy, True Words, Practical Action.

Credit is the basic requirements on enterprises in market economy. Our company takes credit as the foundation of survival and development and the source of reputation.


Innovation: Advance with the Times, Pioneering and Innovative.

Innovation is the continuous driving force for development and the source of vitality. The basic requirement of innovation is to conform to the times, follow the law of development and display great creativity. Our company strives to promote all-around innovation ability according to the requirements of “New Concept of Development, New Breakthrough in Reform, New Situation of Openness, New Working Measures”.


Performance: Performance Supreme, Create Excellence.

Performance is the ultimate reflection of the results of production and management, the most critical indicator of development evaluation, and an important standard for measurement of the contribution of unit and staff. The performance of every staff is the foundation of enterprise performance. Our company takes performance as the connecting point of reflection of social value, promotion of enterprise value and realization of staff value.


Harmony: Unity and cooperation to create harmony.

Harmony is an important guarantee for the normal operation and sustainable development of Guangqin trade. Internal harmony creates the driving force for development, and external harmony provides the environment for survival and development.